As you no doubt know, DiRT has already cast his expert gaze over Luminary, and we urge you to check it out, but in the spirit of Luminary Week he has taken something of a departure and revisited that very episode again responding to the comments you guys posted before and bringing a fresh opinion to the table.
Luminary exemplifies what Season Two of Millennium sought to achieve. Glen Morgan and James Wong were passionate in their belief that Millennium had room to grow and flourish and were urged to tinker with the format by 20th Century Fox in light of declining ratings. They set about reshaping the original vision in the hope of adding an further dimension to an already exemplary show. Over the years the fans have found much to enjoy in each of the seasons, all with their differing flavours, and as DiRT looks once again at Luminary we also want to know what you guys think of the season as a whole. The Old Man, Lara Means, Roedecker, Owls, Roosters, Marburg and much, much more....anyhow, Luminary redux: here's what he made of it.
So is he right or is he wrong? Tell us your opinion of this oft debated epsiode and it's season and don't hold back, we're big fans, we can take it.
As always, lend your considerable support to the man and go visit his own websites and find out what it's all about. Remember, every video made for the this campaign is an indispensable way of reaching out to a potential new campaigner.
Mark x
15 Responses to "LUMINARY WEEK DAY FOUR: Here's Dirt's Thing"
I know there was something about posting first, started by Josef I believe, but for the life of me I can't recall what it was you supposed to say- Yee Haw or something maybe ;)
Anyhow DiRT, that really is your best yet and I really look forward to seeing more in this vein. I laughed so much when I saw Josef and Foxy's images. I do hope you guys get a kick out of seeing yourselves in DiRTvision.
Interacting with the good people who support us is all part of the fun and as I have always said this is very much your campaign after all. Sending the postcards is what really matters to us and I heard today from one more individual who has mailed a bunch to Fox and I thank you all for doing this. That said, there's no reason why we can't have a bit of fun in the process so leave your thoughts here and who knows, you might see yourself and your thoughts on the screen in the near future.
All good stuff methinks!
SECOND! Suckers! :P
I think DiRT captured our inner souls with those images of us.
And it's Yo-sef.
If you watch The Hand of Saint Sebastian, there's the German detective, Josef Heim. Hear that, and you'll know how to say my name.
BTW, I love that guy, with all his cop-show-lingo :D
Now, I was a bit harsh on the episode, but what really cements the episode for me (and does in some way spell it out for us) is when Frank Black is reading Alex's diary to his parents. And explaining how he's thinking and acting in the way people started at the start of the Renaissance. And that way, you can make up your mind. Do you understand or are you like Alex's parents who don't want to understand.
- Jósef
♥♥THIRD - but I'm never first at anything so that's OK. I do think Mister Mark as a bit of an added advantage but I wont hold it against him :)♥♥
This is such good fun and I showed this to my sister (and I bet you dudes are sick of hearing her mentioned) and she loved it. If only I looked liked the ♥♥FoxyWonder♥♥ picture, a babe can dream but I do have an idea that I would like to pass to Mark and Dirt. Maybe Dirt could end his videos by mentioning the subject of the next one? That way we can add comments not only on the video but his upcoming topic so he can look at them in the same way?
I do have some pictures I could send as well and he could add our real faces to the videos. It's only an idea but I think it would be fun.
I love being a part of all this and this gives me a chance to a bigger part I guess. I hope I'm not speaking out of turn. Mark? Dirt? What do you think? ☺
Dirt should be on TV pure and simple. I laughed so much during the Lara Means (no) Deeper Conspiracy (no) bits at the beginning and Yo-sef's picture was a treat. It's so good to see chaps like you and Josef working so hard, being so creative and really coming in to your own at Bactofrankblack. Keep up the good work guys and Dirt, you seem like a top chap. You've really found a niche with this video and I hope you capitalise on the following you are building here. Impressive!
Wow..I guess I should post something so I can at least be FIFTH...even tho I haven't listened to DiRTs review yet.
Thanks Mark...you are fantabulous!
Jósef...I understand what it is like to climb to the top of Mont Ventoux just to see what it is all about...taking chances and doing that thing that charms you.
I like Foxy's idea about DiRT posting at the end of his review what the next one will be. As long as you comment and send postcards or letters, and then send a photo to Mark so he can post it for us to share, you will be a part of this.
I guess I should watch DiRTs review now so I can actually comment on the post. Half of the fun is reading the comments!
This Is Who We Are!!
I'm watching a review of Dirt watching a review of Dirt doing a review: which is pretty impressive however you look at it. I don't know where you picked up your skills but they are very good and make for a great presentation.
I think it's a great idea to do more of these and I'm pleased Dirt is thinking of that. It was a very funny and very enjoyable watch.
Mark, maybe you can say:
FIRST! "hoo-yaw! Semper fi!"
(as in the episode Goodbye Charlie, and this is an obvious reference to Space: Above and Beyond, one of many in Season 2).
- Jósef
Yeah I'm Sarah Michelle Gellar NOT! Lotsa thanks for reading my comment out I really appreciate it and I think the suggestion to ask for comments prior to filming is a great idea. Kinda like a mailbag feature.
"Hoo-yaw! Semper fi!" (I like Space Above and Beyond as well and loved all the little bits in Millennium. Shame it was axed, another badly treated show just like dear old Millennium.)
DiRT...its pronounced way-man.
I truly loved this review. I am holding my sides because they ache from laughing so hard. You are so funny and you are right on about reviewing the review of Luminary. Thanks for the shout out and reading my comments.
IMPRESSIVE to say the least. That picture of Jósef (pronounced Yo-sef) LOL was great. He looks nothing like that. Sarah looks alot like Sarah Michelle Gellar...wow! Foxy Wonder and David, too.
I understand why you enjoyed the music from Midnight of the Century. So it may have been a mistake when you downloaded it but it was worth it. It is very relaxing.
Thank you so much for a very entertaining review and for sharing with us all your wisdom. It's a *itch getting old. I wear glasses for reading too.
Keep up the excellent work. I look forward to the next review!
This Is Who We Are!!
The only problem with saying what I'm doing in advance is that I often don't know/don't pick until the day before. If there's theme for the week that they've decided on for BTFB, I try to tie it into that if I can, but I often don't know until the new week rolls around. We'll work on mapping more out in advance though.
If anyone wants to send me a picture, even if it's an avatar or whatever, I'll file them away for later. Just send them to dirtATdirtmoundDOTcom
Paul - Ulead made a great video editing program and Corel bought them out (last year I think) and that's what I use. It's really pretty easy once you get the hang of it.
Frackin' hilarious. Loved it. "hoo-yaw! Semper fi!"
Looks like I've made another catchphrase out of a Millennium quote.
Don't be dark, is SO last year.
Now it's, Hoo-Yaw, Semper fi.
- Jósef
I love you Dirt and your videos!!! :) Very funny and that is actually a picture of Josef after he has finished working hard on one of his videos. :) haha lol Great stuff.. I thought Luminary was a far out trippy episode and I loved it!! Can't wait to see what is next... :)
Spooky hugs and dark kisses
I'm actually not THAT far off the DiRT version of Jósef.
I didn't shave after a few days, and now it has turned into weeks...
and I keep delaying it because it's a pain shaving something that massive. I have to do it twice to get it all off properly. So, maybe after the weekend. I better do that before Flashback Weekend for sure.
I usually don't grow a beard, since it gives me the itch of death sometimes.
- Jósef
Oh gosh, so many people to praise and to thank for all you guys and gals do but I wanted to at least try. To Josef, Mark, Laura, Dirt, Rhonda and all you fine, fine souls who make this campaign what it is today. I sometimes look at the Facebook Group and you wouldn't know that so much work is happening, it's better to visit here I think. Surely we can bring this back? All this hard work must not have gone unnoticed and Dirt is a lovely addition to the team. He makes me laugh and I need a laugh as times are hard for me at the moment. Thank you all and Yoo Ha Semper Fi (I hope I got that right). Thank you, all of you.
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