BacktoFrankBlack: The Millennium Group Sessions, hosted by Troy Foreman and co-hosted by Jim McLean is now available for free download via our website AND on ITunes!
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BacktoFrankBlack: Millennium Group Sessions 15: Horror!
In this episode of the Mill

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5 Responses to "Millennium Group Sessions 15: Horror!"
Thanks for the interesting interview. Millennium is indeed an uncommon show in that it brings fans from many different genres together. I am not a horror fan, myself, but Alison and Troy both did a good job articulating why they like it and how that translates into their interest in Millennium.
I would be interested to see how a typical horror fan's top ten Millennium episodes looked compared to a non-horror fan's. If one were to look at the overlap, you might have the beginnings of a criteria for what makes the "best" episodes of Millennium-- being, the episodes that please genre fans as well as the wider audience.
Thanks Troy, thanks James and thanks Allison for an enjoyable interview.
Were you guys aware that it's the same director who directed both Dog Soldiers and The Descent, Neil Marshall?
I didn't enjoy the Twin Peaks prequel as much as the TV series. I wanted a continuation. Not this, and the actors were so much older now they didn't even look like they were teenagers. Now, there are nice things in it, but I would have liked closure.
Troy and James, I would very much like to be a part of that next podcast, the Flashback Weekend discussion.
And I'll for sure check out Allison's sites....sounds cool.
Cheers from Iceland!
- Jósef
Fun interview - thanks to all three of you. Twin Peaks and Millennium are my two favorite shows (with Blake's 7 in at number 3, which had a mention a few podcasts ago as well), so it was a treat to listen in on the chat. Thanks for all of the continuing hard work and best of luck with the economic hardships. We're all rooting for you.
Apologies for the delay in the Itunes feed! Should be up and running!
This was absolutely one of the best BTFB podcasts I've heard so far. It was a fascinating listen and my kind of subject as I like my horror films. So I was very pleased when slasher films were being discussed.
And I could have listened to Allison for ages. This podcast should have been an hour longer. It left you craving for more as it was an interesting topic.
To top it all off Twin Peaks was discussed; one of the best TV programmes ever. It had beautiful photography, excellent writing, a wonderful atmosphere and THAT theme tune.
There needs to be a podcast devoted to Twin Peaks and Fire Walk With Me. I personally liked the movie prequel. Hopefully one day it will get the DVD release it deserves and have all the cut footage included with it.
You can still get I think, the Gold boxset, which was released on Region 1 a couple of years ago. It contains the two seasons of Twin Peaks (but not the movie).
I found an excellent fanzine called Wrapped in Plastic, which is a very interesting read, giving theories about all the various plotlines and characters etc. in Twin Peaks.
There should also be another discussion about horror films, especially the slasher films. Happy Birthday to Me was released on Region 1 in October, with the original score intact. And being released this coming week is Silent Scream.
Does anyone remember Wild Palms and Push, Nevada? They were Twin Peaks-like TV mini-series/shows.
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