Time, once again, for our weekly reviewer, DiRT, to cast his discerning eye upon another episode of Millennium and it shouldn't take a genius to work out which episode will be getting the DiRT treatment this week. The Curse of Frank Black is arguably one of the finest episodes of the show and rarely do you happen upon a fan of Millennium who doesn't hold it in high regard. For many, myself included, this episode is a staple part of their Halloween festivities. Glen Morgan and James Wong's ghostly journey from uncertainty to renewed determination, played out on the silent, wind-blown streets of Frank's neighbourhood on Halloween night is essential Halloween viewing. But does DiRT agree? Let's find out.....
The Halloween Pumpkin Animated Countdown is a gadget which you can install on Windows Vista's Sidebar or Windows 7, or simply drag and dr
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Great video DiRT.
Very inventive and you really helped me out making more sense of the episode, which I like. I think I didn't like it when I first saw it as I thought nothing was happening in it. But that couldn't be much farther from the truth. There's so much internal things happening.
- Jósef
Very creative Dirt. It is a brilliant episode and I'm sure I read that Glen and James wanted to remove the dialogue as Lance was capable of emoting so well that it really isn't needed and the proof of that pudding is in the watching. My favourite moment is Frank yelling to the Chig "...you look like a cellphone, what are you meant to be anyway..." always makes me smile.
Happy Halloween to Dirt and to Graham. I hope to see you at your Millennium Group soon.
Besides being the coolest episode ever to be on t.v.--not only for featuring a really spooky pumpkin and Screamin' Jay Hawkins "Little Demon"--"the Curse of Frank Black" has some interesting little parts. For instance, when Mr. Crocell is giving his speech that Satan is keeping an eye on him and his family and is offering him a deal, an inverted cross appears beneath him as he finishes saying "there is no way that he will lose!" Did anyone else notice that?
That is such a powerful sequence. The way Frank denies it and chooses the side of good truly defines the show for me.
Great review as always and Happy Halloween everyone.
Dirt rocks. Happy Halloween mate and thanks for everything.
I think this episode had a creepy air to it and a nice atmosphere but at times it was a bit confusing. On the whole though I found it to be an enjoyable episode. The review, however, was awesome and I wish the masked man very happy halloween. He is such fun.
★☆Sending lots and lots of Halloween goodwill to Dirt and to Graham for helping make the season go with a bang. I am so happy that Dirt loved this episode. I was really worried I would watch it and he wouldn't and he would incur the wrath of an angry American gal but all is well.★☆
♥♥No Halloween is complete without 'The Curse of Frank Black'. Long live Frank Black♥♥
Great review. Highly enjoyable.
Dirt, this was hilarious... I loved the video and the way you made it made me giggle.... it was perfect... :) Such an awesome episode too... I love Halloween!!!
And what can I say about Graham...Thank You Old Man lol these Gadgets are wonderful.. I am so not techy and have no idea of how you did this but I am so happy you love Halloween and horror as much as I do.. :) Thank you for taking the time to do this, You are a sweetheart and I wish you and your family a very Spooky Halloween... :) Love the Pumpkin!!!
Pumpkin Roll Queen!! lol
Thanks once again for the great review. The Curse of Frank Black is one of those episodes you really have to watch and review more than once to catch the subtle nuances of it all.
I really like the way you did the review from the attic of the yellow house. I also like the way you played Frank into it as if he were really there with you.
Keep up the great reviews and before you know it, everyone who hears a review will start posting comments. I can't believe they do not do it anyway.
Thanks again DiRT for a look into The Curse of Frank Black.
Happy Halloween!!!
This Is Who We Are!!
LOL Dirt in Frank's attic, inspired. I have to say this, if there is a fan of this show who does not like this episode then I want to know who they are. Sheer class and I am looking forward to tomorrow to watch it myself.
Happy Halloween everyone.
That was hilarious! I really dig the whole "Yeah you didnt expect me in your attic, but wait..." the editing was great. And what a great episode to do this on! Def one of, if not my very fav episode.
Happy Halloween to everyone!
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