BacktoFrankBlack: The Millennium Group Sessions, hosted by Troy Foreman and co-hosted by Jim McLean is now available for free download via our website AND on ITunes!
To download from BacktoFrankBlack.com
- For a high quality podcast: Right click here and select "save link as.." (approx 57MB 60mins)
- There is no enhanced version for this episode due to technical difficulties. The full MP3 will be available from ITUNES instead of the M4B

- To subscribe to the Itunes podcast, simply load up the Itunes store on your Itunes application, search for BacktoFrankBlack and wait for the podcast to pop onto the list. Then click "subscribe" - you will need to sign up to a free Itunes account to do this - but Itunes does run a great service for podcasts of all types (including our friends ThaDarkSideVibe and Spooktalkular)
BacktoFrankBlack: Millennium Group Sessions 14: MILLENNIUM - The Curse of Frank Black!
In this episode of the Mill

This free podcast is available on a weekly to fortnightly basis via ITUNES and BacktoFrankBlack.com. We'll naturally update you all on information on the podcast from this blog as well.
With ITUNES, anyone who has an Itunes friendly account will be able to subscribe easily and download the podcasts as they are released.
Send your letters and postcards to FOX:
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PLUS: British fans, see Kett live!
"Moliere or The League of Hypocrites" by Mikhail Bulgakov.
Running from Nov. 24th - Dec. 19th at the Finborough Theatre.
Details at www.finboroughtheatre.co.uk
6 Responses to "Curse of Frank Black Week: Millennium Group Sessions FREE podcast!"
Awesome guys, thanks for the latest podcast! I'm still way back trying to find time to listen to the Megan Gallagher podcast, but I'll catch up eventually! I wish you did one a month instead of usually one a week but there you go - they are all brilliant and a pleasure to listen to!
Another cracking episode fellas and nice way to conclude your "curse of Frank Black" week. I'll just re-iterate that Bret Hart's promo for this week was amazing.
James - keep the podcasts coming and I'll happily be included as one of your legions of lovers! lol
This was a short and sweet podcast, it felt short, because of the different segments.
Sweets to the Sweet!
This was a fun one as well, you have done no wrong from day 1...in my book.
And it was a pleasure listening to Kett, very interesting to hear what he had to say about his work.
And yeah, that was a good Frank Black / Lance Henriksen impersonation, Kett.
I didn't even attempt to do my Frank Black voice, probably worse than Troy and he's not bad.
Icelanders don't celebrate Halloween, we might have themed nights at clubs and bars. But we have this, read on if you're interested, it short:
Cheers from Iceland!
- Jósef
Another great interview guys.Kett seems like an intelligent actor who takes his craft very serious.All the best to him on his future endeavors.
So many things about "The Curse of Frank Black" that I love one of those is the SAAB reference with the Chig costume.The flashbacks Frank has also remind me of Halloween when I was a kid.The neighborhood where they go Trick or Treating looks so much like my home town.You all did a fine job with the panel discussion.
Just finished listening to this podcast this morning and James you did a great job with the interview with Kett! You asked good questions and it seemed like a very relaxed interview and it was very enjoyable.:) And James, you were whispering in my ear, in my headphones. ;) You have an oral fixation or excuse me an aural fixation i think, is that another one of your fetishes? hehehe lol ;)
Another good podcast and a great time of year, Halloween, the best!! Love this episode, one of my favorite Millennium episodes. :)
An interesting listen this podcast. I missed the start of The Curse of Frank Black when it premiered in the UK on Sky One. Don't remember a lot of the episode as I haven't seen it since that premiere in early 1998.
I like a good mix of different Halloween episodes from different shows. Not every show is going to be a classic. I don't like over use of CGI, but when the show's do their Halloween episode right they're still watchable, with some being decent and some being classics.
Enjoyed the interview with Kett Turton.
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