Time for one last treat? I think so. Myself and Jim have long desired to see Millennium given an audio book treatment in the same vein as the sterling creations by Big Finish Productions. These guys kept their own beloved franchise alive in this format during it's long hiatus and whilst we wait for for a movie we see no reason why the desire for more Millennium should not be capitalised upon. With that in mind I set about trying to organise a little something to treat you all with for Halloween.
Sarah-Jane Redmond, Van Quattro, Missy Crider and Barry Levy all freely gave of their time to record a few Halloween poems and greetings to you, the fans. Please join with me in thanking them for the warmth and kindness they have afforded this campaign and for the sheer enthusiasm they have for what we are doing and for Millennium. Additional thanks to Kristen Cloke and Jeff Parise who tried to find time to do the same but who's busy lives demanded their attention. We thank you all for everything.That said, Happy Halloween to one and all from all the team at BackToFrankBlack and a few famous faces to boot. We hope you have had a wonderful Halloween and we thank you for all your support over the last thirteen months!

Van Quattro (Willi Borgsen) brings us the haunting tale of a man filled with fear about the prospect of ghostly apparitions visiting him on the spookiest night of the year.

Missy Crider (Janette Vitti) speaks of two lovers drawn together by circumstance who patiently wait for their miracle to come.

Barry W Levy (Braylock) tells this traditional tale of the Devil's liege herself. A perfect poem for Millennium fans and the spooky season.

Missy Crider gives us one extra treat with a cute little poem about the magic of Halloween.

Hopefully these will be available for you all to download in the very near future. I am putting together a nice package for you all including an alternative version of Sarah-Jane's recording and video footage of Barry's. Once it's all ready, you will be the first to know. Additional thanks to Laura and Frank at Spooktalkular.com for helping me out when our resident audio expert was in Chicago and to Graham P Smith for helping make Sarah-Jane's contribution possible as well as providing technical support along the way. We thank you all for everything.
Well I am stunned. This was one project Mark has kept to himself - I didn't even know of it until he made a hint he'd managed something very special this morning on an email.
Incredible. I'm just going to sit and listen to them - I just couldn't contain my sheer amazement and had to write something down now.
Well done Mark, Graham, Sarah, Barry, Van and Missy!
What a great treat for Halloween, and I agree, "Well done Mark, Graham, Sarah, Barry, Van and Missy." I enjoyed listening to them and will again as soon as I finish my comment. I know I can speak for all the fans when I say "Thank you." We are truly blessed with awesome talent.
I am in awe. You guys are the best!
Mark I am very proud of you and what you accomplished, this looks and sounds amazing... what a perfect ending and treat this is.. When I had the pleasure of speaking with Van, it was awesome, his voice while reading that Ghost poem sent chills down my spine and I just knew it was going to be very creepy and ghostly... lol :) He is a very nice man and I love his voice... :) You really sell yourself short Mark you are alot more techy and capable and artistic than you give yourself credit for. :) Yes James, Mark worked very hard on organizing this and he did a wonderful job and we were very happy to help in any way we can ever... all you guys have to do is ask. :) I am going to go listen again. :)
That is an amazing idea, that’s made even more so by being able to pull it off. The music is perfect too. What an awesome gift. This campaign and those working on it have accomplished far, far beyond anything I as a fan could have hoped. I can’t wait to see where things will go next. It’s becoming too easy to get motivated. Incredible work, and many thanks to Mark and the cast that generously offered there time!
Thank you very much for the chance to listen to these. All involved should be very proud of their efforts.Not only were they well read,but the background music was hauntingly beautiful.
Mark, I'm beginning to believe you're actually CC.
This is... thrilling beyond words. It's simply too good to be true. Chilling, eery... FANTASTIC! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Sarah, Barry, Van and Missy: you RULE!!!
The Time Is Near
Wow, this is amazing! I truly think we must be one of the luckiest fandoms out there to have such talented people still give their time and energy back to the fans after so many years. A big thanks to everyone who contributed to this.
I am stunned, moved and speechless and I cried during Missy's poem because it felt like Janette was reading to me and as much as I loved it I felt like this is nearest we will come to new Millennium. I know it isn't and I know I'm wrong but thank you all at BackToFrankBlack for the nearest thing. I so want Millennium back and you have moved me.
Incredible work guys! These are a truly stunning and fantastic conclusion to Halloween and The Curse of Frank Black week!
Eerie, atmospheric and so full of emotion, I can't thank you all enough. You're all so professional and gifted, thank you so very much indeed, for your precious time, passion and energy.
Finally thank you Mark, you are truly inspiring my friend. Such wonderful foresight to have included so many emotional Mark Snow tracks from the series.
Thank you very much indeed everyone.
These are incredible. Thank you one and all and special thanks to Sarah-Jane, Van, Barry and Missy for caring about the fans after so long has passed.
Amazing. I really don't know what to say guys. Awesome.
wow! thank you very much for this, this is awesome.
The bloody time is near!
This is truly inspired, I would never have dreamt of having actors from Millennium recite poems.
Bautifully executed by all parties.
A very thoughtful ending to The Curse of Frank Black week.
This is the reason this campaign will never go stale, we're all twisting and turning to you keep guys and gals on your toes.
This is who we are.
Cheers from Iceland!
- Jósef
Simply astonishing!
I really enjoyed listening to these. Bring on the downloads.
Thanks to Sarah, Van, Missy, Barry, Graham and especially to Mark. Great job.
This Is Who We Are!!
A nice listen these were. They were all good, but my favourites were numbers 1, 3 and 4.
I liked the Mark Snow-esque music in the background and the Millennium VHS front cover-style artwork for each Halloween poem or story.
I wish I had known about your blog on Halloween. :/
That's one of my favourite Millennium episodes!! Dean Winters-love aside, it was just perfect. A holiday episode without being overly campy.
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