Rhonda Wehman, Ed Kennedy, Frank & Laura from Spooktalkular.com

BacktoFrankBlack: The Millennium Group Sessions, hosted by Troy Foreman and co-hosted by Jim McLean is now available for free download via our website AND on ITunes!
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BacktoFrankBlack: Millennium Group Sessions 12: MILLENNIUM - The Complete Series!
In this episode of the Mill

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11 Responses to "Free podcast! Millennium Group Sessions #12 - MILLENNIUM"
I really enjoyed this podcast. It sounds good. Thanks to James and Troy for the invitation and for the editing job. It was nice to talk with Ed, Laura and Frank and to share our opinions, some mutual and some not, with all these wonderful people.
This Is Who We Are!!
Oh Yeah and Yee Ha...Semper Fi!!!
This was a blast to listen to, such fun. Thank you all guys who participated, and I look forward to meeting you both Troy and Ed at the convention.
And I second that emotion that Catherine was frumpy. Did you see that skirt/dress/thing she was wearing the season 1 episode The Judge (which I included in my One Year Anniversary, Yellow House music video), that's enough evidence for me, Laura is not guilty, she is free to go.
When I commented on the last podcast, I did not want to spoil the fact that Lance was in it. I did like what he said, and he brought a lot of insight and heart to the proceedings, amazing man. Will look forward to get his autograph on my Near Dark DVD, along with the other cast members that are gonna be there.
Steven Kiley was not a cowboy or a hillbilly. It was Hoo-Yaa, Semper Fi! Sounds more like it anyway, without having to check the DVD.
In a sense I kinda think Season 3 opened stronger than Season 2, episode wise. People tend to disregard that there were some fine episodes in Season 3, there were some ups and downs, but that applies to ALL 3 seasons. And I'm with James on this Lara/Lance thing, I can't honestly see this will they/wont they. This was purely made to have someone who he could relate to and talk to about his ability, he really never did to Catherine.
Cheers from Iceland!
- Jósef
Another cracking episode people.
I'm from the UK and I remember watching the 1st episode of Millennium on ITV on a Sunday night. What was interesting about this was it was preceded by a programme called Millennium: Fact or Fiction present by none other than Bergerac himself - John Nettles!
I've actually found the whole programme on you tube here is the link to part 1 of 6.
There are some interesting interviews with Lance and Chris Carter - enjoy.
Catherine was frumpy but it was because she already had her man. Why did she need to flaunt? She is a classy woman. I did have to agree that she turned into a bitch after Frank saved her life. That's gratitude for you. Altho, I guess we forgot to mention that if it hadn't been for Frank, Catherine most likely would not have been in peril. Just something to think about.
Ok, I got it now...
Hoo-Yaa, Semper Fi!
I'm the hillbilly :)
Thanks Jósef for the correction!
This Is Who We Are!!
Sounds like an interesting cast. Should be an enjoyable listen.
Finished listening to the podcast today and I reaaly enjoyed it, always a fun time with James and Troy they are so nice and fun to talk to and joke around with but are also very professional and do a great job with their podcast. I really do admire their dedication and work to the show and appreciate and cherish their friendship. :) Thanks Troy for your excellent editing skills and for not making me sound too much like an idiot.. lol :) We had a great time doing this and Frank says he is more than happy to do another one just not with me.. lol ;)
Well that was worth the wait. A podcast which got better as it went on, and Laura's comments provided much entertainment. I love the constant "will he/she get replaced?" dialogue on Spooktalkular.
I do agree in a way with what Laura said about Catherine. I think Megan Gallagher is very attractive and that still comes across in Millennium. She does come across as being sexy despite at times being slightly boring (but it isn't all the time in the show). Lara Means I found a very interesting and sexy character. I don't think there's much in it to be honest.
I can't remember exactly when I first found out about Millennium. I read about it in the sci-fi/genre magazines Dreamwatch, SFX and TV Zone.
ITV hyped Millennium as the next X Files and premiered it in the UK on Sunday nights at 10 pm. My memory is very vague but it got around 5-6 million viewers, but tailed off sharply afterwards. The remaining episodes were shown late at night, but not all the way to the end of the first season. ITV showed repeats of the episodes they had already shown, and premiered the last few Season 1 episodes also late at night.
Sky One picked up the second season, premiering it in the UK. The UK version of Sci-Fi premiered the third and final season.
I watched virtually all 23 second season episodes and thoroughly enjoyed them. The third season however I didn't watch..not because I didn't want to, but because of the day and time the third season was being shown on Sci-Fi.
The show has been unfairly criticised by people who haven't done their research and who are coming up with poor reasons in their criticism of Millennium.
Recently I have started watching Millennium from the beginning on DVD. Four episodes of Season 1 I have watched before on DVD, but that was a while ago now, so the episodes are more fresher in my memory and I have forgotten some of the scenes. I find that if I watch the the same episode of Millennium, or too many episodes close together I'll get fed up with the show and call it repetitive (which the show isn't anyway). So I've been spacing out the episodes I've been watching recently.
I've watched the "Pilot" episode up to "The Judge", and every one is great. The show made you think and had plenty going in the 42-44 minutes the episode lasted for.
It's a very enriching experience watching Millennium. You are watching something spectacular.
I'll stop waffling on and just say the show has got to come back in some form or another.
Hello MM Friends,
First, great cast. I want to say that I really dig the “Panel” (Not that listening to only James and Troy is bad!) I just enjoy the debating and back and forth from the panel discussions. It is fun!
First. You people really came down on Laura! I have to agree that the Catharine character could def be labeled as “Frumpy” in her presentation/aesthetics. She reminded me of a conservative schoolteacher. (In regards to how she dressed and her demeanor) Now, I say that not in any derogatory fashion, as (imo) it is very symbolic and an extension of her character and the characters personality. I believe Megan Gallagher is a very attractive woman. I believe the character had poise and class (and the character was supposed to represent something “safe” and nurturing) and by having that you did not need to have the “sex appeal” in any conventional or modern day representation. I loved the character in the 1st season. However, by the end of the 2nd season I had a strong dislike for her. Much to my dismay.
I thought the “relationship” she had with Frank was very important to the story (as he had to deal with such dark issues) and as others have said, she was the balance to his darkness. This was a positive for the show. There was an important human element there, especially for a show so dark (which is a big part of its appeal yet, the balance/contrast is needed!) It let people relate and identify with characters. I think they (writers) felt they needed to do more with her character so instead of going the route of her dealing with the Group, and focusing on her own career, etc. to create more drama and interest in Catherine they began to separate her and Frank after the death of the Polaroid Killer. I hated this! If you want to talk about something that was contrived, I think this was it! It felt so forced to me. It was hard for me to swallow that she had so much love for Frank, and to be placed in the extraordinary circumstance she was in, and knowing the nature of her husband for her to make that decision. It just seemed her priorities were a bit skewed to me. To make a decision that she was going to leave Frank because he killed a murdering psychopath who had abducted her, and had been terrorizing her family, etc. It just felt so selfish. So unable to see WHY Frank did it.
At some point in the pod cast, someone also referred to the “split” as something of a negative and I have to agree. Except, it was not that “Frank and Catharine” were splitting up. This was all Catharine leaving Frank. I believe Frank was doing everything he could to mend the relationship and Cathrine was the one who was unable to see his pov and we saw only glimmers of her possibly considering the position Frank was placed in. Nevertheless, it was too little and too late for me. As the season carried on, I grew more and more irritated with her. Again, much to my dismay as I was very happy with the actress and the character had a def stable and necessary role to fill in the story line.
Part 2
The first time I saw MM was the pilot. I loved Lance, and the concept of the story was great. Dark/gritty was a huge PLUS for me. The next episode I saw was later on, as at the time I was working on the North Slope of Alaska and TV there is much like old hotel tv (you get 13 channels and that is it…) when I returned from a long hitch there I caught MM at a friend’s house. It was playing in the background and I kept turning to watch it, as the episode revolved around a man that had people tied up in a house and he was videotaping them and you could see an AX. Moreover, it was really F’N Intense! I am sorry I do not remember the name of the Episode. What I remember is when you could see the AX and the people tied up freaking out, and then he went over to turn the camera off… you knew what was going to happen to those people next and it was like OH GOD DAMN! I remember everyone in the room at that point had the same expression on their face. LOL. After that, I was really hooked. It was not my “first” MM memory but it was the most vivid. That and the line Lance quoted about some killer eating someone with liver and onions. Classic.
Season 2 is hands down my favorite. Many people talk about the “conspiracy” issues and I agree they are def apparent in that season. In addition, it is a bit of a change in focus, but I think it did not take away from the vibe of the first season. You could still have everything you had in the first season with some episodes, and others that deal with the “conspiracy” issues of the MM group. For me, it was just adding more variety and mystic to the show and that was fine. I have to say that I have noticed while many people say “I like season 1 or 3”, so many people talk about their fav Episodes and many of those I have heard and read on the boards have been predominately from season 2. I think season 3 should have been more of a mix between 1&2, but that is another topic in itself… in short, Season 2 kicked ass.
On the transition from two to three, I believe most people have the same view on this. The writers should have addressed what happened in the previous season immediately. They ignored it, and that is what people wanted to see! “What happened?” (I did anyway lol)
They began too many new SL and characters without wrapping up old issues (again very irritating) and I think this caused a negative reaction (rightly so) in their fan base. There was already so much change and things left unsaid and undone to introduce MORE change and ignore relevant points that people were expecting to be addressed. There has to be some consistency here! Yes, they did get to some of the questions later on as season three progressed but it was too little, and too late. It was def a bad decision out of the gate imo.
I watched MM at the end of the day because of the character Frank Black and the SL of the show (Again I was more of a 2nd season fan) but I loved all the seasons! The show was about Frank and that is all I have to say on that.
I listened to this the other night when I couldnt sleep and it was really relaxing and heart-warming to hear everyone's thoughts on the show. :)
I absolutely agree with James about the browns!!! instantly made me thing of this scene: http://biglightnetwork.ning.com/photo/the-curse-of-frank-black-10
will maybe post more comments later.
ak browncoat", do you write essays for a living?!
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