Did I mention once or twice that we have some amazingly talented individuals supporting this campaign? Today gives me the great pleasure to introduce another of these souls to you. Steven Katzenmoyer very kindly sent BackToFrankBlack an MP3 file. With memories of The Sound The Snow running through my brain I listened to it with some trepidation (only joking Steven) and absolutely loved it. Not one to keep such goodies from you guys you can do the same right here, right now. Ladies and gentlemen I give you Steven Katzenmoyer and Frank Black.
Frank Black.mp3 |
So our dear campaign has it's apparel, it's buttons, it's videos, it's podcasts and now its torch song. All we need now is some talented individual to add a few scenes to the music and we have a very tasty promotional piece that we can add to our Youtube page (hint hint).
I am indebted to Steven for taking the time to share this with us and congratulate him on such an accomplished and enjoyable creation. I am sure you will join with me in showing your appreciation and leave him a few comments regarding his work.
To join the cause you can now print out an updated pack of postcards, with an address included, by clicking the envelope icon below.
Mark x

I can't get the thing to play for me, always just loading...
Will try tomorrow...
ps: I do have an idea in my head for a song for Millennium, a part of it anyway...don't know when I can start doing some work on it though.
- Jósef
My apologies folks for the issues regarding streaming the track. All should be sorted now and if your viewing the comments section you've no doubt heard the track already. Leave Steven a few comments, all are appreciated.
Just listened to the song and what a cute little ditty!! I liked it, maybe we can get Steve to write a ditty for Spooktalkular!!! :) Such a talented bunch of people we all are!! This Is Who We Are!!!
Is this on iTunes or something? It's brilliant, I love it.
This is just great! Really, really wonderful.
Just so everyone knows, I sent this to Lance and a couple of days later, I was talking with him and he was singing the chorus over skype. Pretty funny! Great job Steve. Now the song is stuck in my head yet again.
This would make a wonderful addition to a Darin Morgan episode. Very nice work Steven.
Now, it finally works for me.
Very entertaining and professionally made track.
Fraaaaank Black!
- Jósef
Great tune, lotsa fun, very professional. Lance is singing this? Wow that's amazing!!!!!!
Froeman can you get Lance to record himself singing this? That would be awesome? It's a fantastic tune. Froeman are you Lance's friend? Sorry to ask, I haven't seen you mentioned here before.
That is brilliant! Now its stuck in my head also, what have you guys done?!
Hey i love the song! love to hear more!
Amazing stuff. Very clever.
Wow, what a catchy tune. I would also love it if Lance were to read the lyrics as well. Oh that voice. What fun all this is.
Thats the podcasts new theme tune right there!
Wow! Thanks so much! You're all very kind!
So much fun. Frank Black la la la :)
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