Ladies and gentlemen it's time, once again, for our masked avenger, wrestlemaniac and super powered reviewer DiRT to cast his x-ray vision upon another episode of Millennium and direct his considerable following in our direction in the process. Christmas is coming and the Millennium fans are getting fat and what better way to usher in the festive season than to turn our attention to season three's majestic festive offering, Omerta.
Penned by fan favourite, Michael R Perry, Frank Black decides to take Jordan on a Christmas vacation rather than allow her to dwell on the fact that this will be their first holiday without Catherine. The small Vermont town they travel to proves to be less quiet than expected, however, when the two become involved with a dead Mafia hit man who appears in the woods looking very much alive! So we sat DiRT down to watch this with his notepad, a glass of sweet sherry and a piece of Christmas Cake and here's what he thought of it. Let the show begin.

As always, lend your considerable support to the man and go visit his own websites and find out what it's all about. Remember, every video made for the this campaign is an indispensable way of reaching out to a potential new campaigner.
13 Responses to "Here's Dirt's Thing: Omerta Video Review!" funny, near the end, and then another end!
I really liked how you made fun of this as well, pumped up the music and intentionally or not, I just thought it was so funny when the music started getting louder and your Santa hat was swaying a bit fast.
But I laughed out loud at the very end. Thanks Doug.
I too like the episode but don't really love it either. I do think Jon Polito does a great job in this episode but this episode didn't feel all that "Christmassy" to me. I did like those bells, but that house and the countdown to X-mas was way over the top cheese wise.
But I really don't have this problem with not knowing where they came from or what they are, those girls.
Again, thanks Doug, for the laugh.
Cheers from Iceland!
- Jósef
Right. I feel I feel I am breaking a personal convention here by commenting on the content at BTFB but please, please, please watch the video right to the very end. I laughed so hard I ache. I am just off to watch this again. Well done my friend.
Oh well I'm I may as well go the whole hog now I've started. The girls were fairies. As far as I recall that was the official description given of Lhasa and Rose (Lazarus (get it?)) in promotional material from FOX around the time of airing. What took fans aback, somewhat, was this fact in light of Lance's comments on the Season Two DVD Commentary about certain episodes of that season having a 'fairy tale' quality to them and the general consensus that Season Three was a move away from those sorts of stories.
That said I love Omerta, not nearly as much as Midnight, but it's Millennium and I love Millennium. Kudos to Jon, Brittany, Lance, Klea et. al. for some superb acting and to Michael for never fearing to push the envelope a little and tell stories like only he can.
Merry Christmas folks.
I probably should say lots of great things about Omerta as there lots of great things to say but I can't because I am too busy laughing and watching the end of the video over and over again. I really needed a cheer up today so thanks guys, you're a great pick-me-up. Merry Christmas everyone.
Merry Christmas to one and all and to Dirt for all the great videos he has made. I really, really like Omerta and it is a bit cheesy and maybe a festive episode shouldn't automatically mean a cheesy episode but it's a sort of televisual tradition I guess. Midnight of The Century is a very dark story, very serious and Omerta is a bit of fluff right? Heart-warming, great performances (yes Dirt, Brittany was an incredible little actress) and it's fun. I bet I never listen to the music in the same away again though.
It doesn't really come across in this tiny version of the video, but there's snow at the beginning and end. Here's the link where you can see it much more clearly...
Laughing so hard my belly is still giggling.
I was afraid Dirt would be hard on this episode,so I came in ready to defend.But I have to say I agree with him whole heartily.Omerta is alright,just not as good as Midnight of the Century.
I always wondered who that was singing.A drunk woman.Hmmmm.Glad you cleared that up.
I don't know where you got this man but treasure him. He is a true asset to this campaign, funny, earnest and on the ball every time. I love Omerta but have to accept his judgement and "the drunk lady" is simply genius. Long live Dirt. PS, his name isn't Dirt surely, anyone care to solve the mystery of the man behind the mask :)
Funniest thing I have seen in ages. Please sing more! When's the Dirt Millennium album coming out! Oh and merry christmas y'all!
Merry Christmas folks and a very Merry Christmas to dirt with his wonderful Christmas and jingles that he thinks are just tacky lol Very funny man indeed.
I think Dirt's main criticism misses the point of the episode. This was a Christmas episode. As such, the "new life" of the Mafia hit man and his corresponding change of heart as a result, was meant to be an extended metaphor of Christianity. Because it was Christmas, I believe this episode was meant to be a tribute to the Christian tenant of redemption!
I agree w/ his analysis that the structure is a bit difficult. For instance – the two girls’ genus: Fairies? Angels? No one knows or is told. Surviving in the woods for 10 years without logic offered as to how. And then the ending about ambulance switching wasn’t believable as to how law enforcement could be so easily fooled. Last of all, the staged explosion of the ambulance was not convincing. (There are other structural difficulties).
I don’t claim to know Perry’s mind on the matter, nor do I want to put words in his mouth. But in my own words, I think I know where he was going.
More than a ‘feel-good’ episode for the Holidays, there is an over arching structural theme supported by sub-themes. These themes are the magnetism which makes the structure hold and indeed, may be the supporting fabric.
The overarching theme: Humanity is not beyond the Love’s redemptive power. Change is possible – even if it defies understanding. Omerta is the story of a transmuted psyche (soul), the power of love to make what was once corrupt – now innocent.
Here are some supporting elements.
Old Omerta (Mafia Eddie): Not only a ‘code of silence’ but a cyclical concept and definition of honor as being: honor =loyalty=integrity. This was prominent in the ideology of the SS (Schutzstaffel).
Old Eddie refused to nark on his former mob associates for self preservation.
New Omerta (Emancipated Eddie): What often happens when one experiences a redemptive extrication resulting in a transmutation of one’s psyche: Eddie reapplies a new understanding of meaning with his old language befitting the new paradigm of life.
Eddie’s refusal to nark cf. a prosecutor’s stipulation, was no longer an act of self-preservation, but one protecting the only purities he had come to know and love.
Lhasa and Rose (wooden girls): 1) Grace as sensual, beautiful, alluring, and tangible, 2) healing power of unconditional passion or love [expressed in the feminine not only in pagan mythologies, but in Jewish wisdom literature, as well – hence Logos/Wisdom).
Lhasa and Rose – no one knows how they came to be and where they came from. There is no ability to comprehend ----to relegate below the divine. – They are mystical and encountered by them where one would never have guessed.
There’s more, but I don’t want to bore . . . .
Last. DIRT! Thank you for the effort and post. I am excited you regard MillenniuM so highly. You have a lot of good analysis regarding structure. Thanks DIRT!! Looking forward to more of your posts.
Whoever put the episode together should have ommited the entire last 2 minutes or so,,,having placed her in the ambulance, driver passage way opens, eddie smiles, frank says merry christmas eddie, and they drive away. Period. The tag on was ridiculous and reduces the effectiveness of the rest of the story, but that is of course, IMHO.
But I'll be kind, and in the season of giving, what the hell, magic's all around, if we just open to it.
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